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Y Gwydr Glas / The Blue Glass
Alaw & Geiriau / Melody & Words - Tradd/Trad

Os daw ‘nghariad yma heno i guro’r gwydr glas

Rhowch ateb gweddus iddo, na ‘tebwch m’ono’n gas,

Nad ydyw’r ferch ddim gartre’ na’i h’wyllus yn y tŷ

Llanc ifanc o’r plwy’ arall sydd wedi mynd a hi.

If my love comes here tonight to knock on the blue glass

Give him a seemly answer, don’t answer him crossly,

That the girl isn’t home and her good will isn’t in the house,

A young lad from the next parish has taken her away.

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