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Dowch i’r America/ Come to America
Alaw/Melody: Tradd./Trad.
Geiriau/Lyrics: Richard Davies ‘Mynyddog’ (1833–1877)

Mae popeth yn Amerig yn fwy na’r byd i gyd
a phe bae’r byd yn faban Amerig fydda’i grud
mae defnyn o’r Niagra yn filwaith fwy na’r môr
a boddai fyrdd o fydoedd and plenty many more

Dowch i’r America
dowch i’r America
wel bobol yr holl ddaear
dowch i’r America

Mae llygod bach Amerig yn fwy na llygod mawr
a cheir y corach lleiaf yn gan-mil fwy na chawr
mae’r deryn du pig felyn yn fwy na chant o frain
a’r holl enethod ifanc yn llawer hŷn na’u nain

Mae pob gwybedyn yma yn gallu canu bas
yn uwch na theirw Cymru, beth andros ulw las.
mae’r penwaig cochion yma yn ddwywaith mwy na whales
look here Dafydd Dafis don’t think I’m telling tales

Mae ‘sgidiau yr Amerig yn fwy o faint na chant
ac os oes neb yn amau mesurwch wadnau Grant.
mae’r sbarblis manaf yma yn fwy na phostia lamp
ac os oes rhyw amheuaeth dowch yma jysd am dramp

Mae coedwig fwyaf Cymru fel gwely sibols bron
yn ymyl coedwig leiaf y wlad dragwyddol hon
all nonsense, Dafydd Dafis, I haven’t finished yet
mae pob gwiniadur yma yn fwy o faint na het

Mae’r haul mor fach yng Nghymru â botwm min-ceg crwn
wrth huan Cincinnati y gorllewin-fyd hwn
ac am eich tipyn lleuad nid yw ond botwm crys
wrth ymyl lloer Amerig mae jyst fel blaen fy mys

Rwyf finnau wedi tyfu yn fwy na fi fy hun
a phe tae Cymru’n album nis gallai dal fy llun
fodd bynnag mi ddychwelaf dan ganu ffal di ral
os myltipleiwch Cymru yn ddigon mawr i’m dal


Everything in America is bigger than the whole world
And if the world was a baby, America would be its cot.
one drop of Niagara falls is a thousand times bigger than the ocean
and it would drown a number of worlds and plenty many more

Come to America,

come to America
people of the whole world,

come to America

The mice of America are bigger than rats
and its smallest dwarf is a hundred thousand times bigger than a giant.
its yellow beaked blackbird is bigger than a hundred crows
and all the young girls are much older than their grandmothers

Every fly here can sing bass
better than the bulls of Wales (and that’s saying something)
the red herring here are bigger than whales,
look here David Davies! don’t think I’m telling tales!

The shoe sizes here exceed a hundred,
and if anyone’s in doubt, measure Grant’s soles.
the smallest shoe nails here are bigger than lamp posts
and if there is any doubt, come here just for a tramp

Wales’ greatest forest is almost like a bed of spring onions
next to the smallest forest in this glorious country.
All nonsense David Davies, I haven’t finished yet!
every thimble here is bigger than a hat!

The sun in Wales is as small as a little mint sweet
next to Cincinnati’s moon of this western world,
and as for your tiny moon, it’s just like a shirt button.
next to America’s moon, it’s just like the tip of my finger

I have grown to be bigger than myself,
and if Wales was an album, it wouldn’t be able to contain my picture.
despite this, I shall return, whilst singing ‘fal-de-ral’
if you multiply Wales big enough to contain me


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