Y Ddeilen Dybaco/ The Tobacco Leaf
Alaw/Melody: Tradd./Trad.
Geiriau/Lyrics: Ebenezer Thomas ‘Eben Fardd’ (1801–1863)
Y ddeilen dobaco sy’n dyfod o bell
bid gwaeth neu bid gwell a’i cymero
mae hon yn y bore‘n ei lliwiau mor llawn
ond yn y prynhawn mae hi’n gwywo
a hynny sy’n dangos i ninnau bob rhai
nad ydym ni yma yn hir i barhau
nad ydym ond pobol mewn pebyll o glai
meddyliwn bob rhai wrth ei smocio.
y bibell wen galchog o liw manod pur
a’i barnais yn eglur ddisgleirio
pan gwympo hon ymaith yn ebrwydd hi dyrr
ceir gweled ar fyr ei throi heibio
ac felly ‘r ym ninnau er teced ein gwawr
a chymaint yw’r bwriad sydd gennym yn awr
un ergyd go fechan a’n terry i’r llawr
meddyliwn bob awr wrth ei smocio.
Y bib wrth ei hiwsio sy’n magu lliw drwg
y lludw a’r mŵg sy’n ei dûo
mae’n rhaid cyn y gellir ei gwneuthur yn lân
ei rhoi yn y tân i’w hail buro
ac felly ‘r ym ninnau a’n pechod du cas
yn llawn o aflendid tu fewn a thu fas
nes cael ein hail buro trwy ysbryd a gras
meddyliwn yn addas wrth smocio.
mae’r gwreichion yn esgyn i fyny i’r nen
gael mofyn yr elfen sydd yno
ac felly’n dyrchafu i fyny mae’r mŵg
a gwelwn yn amlwg mae’n dringo
a hynny sy’n dangos yn amlwg bob pryd
nad ydym ond teithwyr, y doetha’n y byd
ar bethau daearol na roddwn ein bryd
meddyliwn o hyd wrth ei smocio.
y lludw a’r sorod sy’n aros ar ol
mewn moddion rhyfeddol i’w cofio
o’r priddyn y daethom, mawr ydyw ein sŵn
i’r pridd y dychwelwn ni eto
y ddaear i’r ddaear dychwelwn ar hynt
y lludw i’r lludw a´r corff megis cynt
mae’n heinioes yn darfod fel mŵg o flaen gwynt
meddyliwn ar hynt wrth ei smocio.
The tobacco leaf comes from afar,
be it good or ill to those who take it,
in the morning it is full of colour,
but in the afternoon it withers
and this shows us all
that we are not going to last here very long,
that we’re only people in clay pipes,
that’s what I think whilst smoking it
The white clay pipe, the colour of pure fine snow
that shines so bright as I see it.
when this falls, it quickly breaks,
and is cast away without a second thought,
and that’s how we are, though so bright at our dawn,
and all the good intentions we might have -
only a small strike will leave us broken on the floor,
I think all the while whilst smoking it.
The pipe, when used, obtains a bad colour,
the ash and the smoke blackens it.
to get it clean again,
one must put it in the fire to re-purify it.
and so are we with our black, cruel sins,
full of uncleanliness, inside and out,
until we are re-purified through spirit and grace,
I rightly think as I smoke it.
The sparks ascend to the heavens
to seek the element that’s there
and likewise the smoke rises,
we can clearly see it climbing.
and this clearly shows us all the while
that were are all but travellers, the wisest in the world -
let’s not place our desires in material things,
I always think whilst smoking it.
The ash and dottle stay on behind,
in a way that is to be remembered -
from the soil we came, loud is our noise,
to the soil we shall return again.
the earth to the earth, we’ll return on our way,
the ash to the ash, and the body like it was before.
our life disappears like smoke in the wind
I carry on thinking whilst smoking it.