Fy neryn brith / My speckled bird
Cerddoriaeth a geiriau / Music and lyrics– GBRh
Trefn. / Arr. – GBRh, GM, PR
Da bo fy neryn brith
dwi'n gadael efo'r gwlith,
dwi'n gadael cyn hir,
dwi'n gadael y bur hoff bau
o coda fy hedydd hy´
a chana fyny fry
dy alaw sy’n llenwi
pob cwr o fy mhen i, o..
dy ganu'n y bore, dy ganu'n yr hwyr,
mae swyn dy ganu'n fy llethu'n llwyr,
ond rwan mae'n rhaid i mi ganu'n iach
´chos dwi'n mynd efo'r wennol,
ond fyddai nol efo'r lili wen fach.
O diolch fy neryn aur
am rannu dy wely o wair,
am rannu dy awen
pan oni ei angen o...
ia, diolch am ddysgu fi fwrw fy mlew
a hwylio ar yr awel fel plu dant y llew
ond rwan dwi'n hwylio trwy ddyfroedd hallt
´chos dwi'n mynd efo'r wennol,
ond fyddai nol efo'r lili wen fach.
Cwsg y ddwys dan sêr y nen
fy mhathew ymhlith y mwsog a'r cen
ia cwsg yn ddwys dan flanced gwawn y ddol
´chos dwi'n mynd efo'r wennol,
ond fyddai nol...
da bo fy neryn brith
a chadwa le'n dy nyth,
ddai nol i'r hen wlad
pan fo'r eira yn dadmer, o...
ond mi gadwa´ i pob nodyn y canon ni 'ngyd,
pob gwên a phob deigryn y rhanom yn fud,
a mi baciai nw'n ddiogel i waelod fy sach,
´chos dwi'n mynd efo'r wennol,
ond fyddai nol efo'r lili wen fach.
Farewell my speckled bird
I’m leaving with the dew
I´m leaving before long
I´m leaving the pure fond land
oh rise up my confident lark
and sing up above
your melody fills
every nook of my head, oh..
your singing in the morning, your singing in the evening,
the spell of your singing totally overwhelms me,
but now I have to sing my goodbye,
‘cause I´m leaving with the swallow,
but I´ll be back with the snowdrop.
oh thankyou my golden bird
for sharing your bed of grass,
for sharing your muse
at the time when I needed it, oh..
yes, thank you for teaching me to shed my fur
and to sail on the breeze like dandelion feathers,
but now I´m sailing through salty waters
‘cause I´m leaving with the swallow,
but I´ll be back with the snowdrop.
sleep deeply under the stars of the heavens
my dormouse amongst the moss and lichen,
yes sleep deeply under the gossamer blanket of the meadow
´cause I´m leaving with the swallow,
but I´ll be back…
farewell my speckled bird
and keep a space in your nest,
I´ll come back to the old land
when the snow melts, oh…
but I´ll keep every note that we sang together,
every smile and every tear that we shared in silence
and I´ll pack them all safely in the bottom of my sack,
´cause I´m leaving with the swallow,
but I´ll be back with the snowdrop.