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Dwy Ferch Aeth  i Garu / Two Girls went Courting
Alaw/Melody: ‘Robin yn Swil’ - Tradd./Trad.
Geiriau/Lyrics: Abel Jones ‘Bardd Crwst’ (1830–1901)

Wel llanciau bro Gwalia, beth ddwedwch am hyn?
gweld merched mewn trowsus, ond ydyw’n beth syn?
ai prinion yw’r meibion, rhai mwynion ein bro
nes ydyw rhai merched am gariad o’u co?

ond ydyw’n beth syn gweld merched fel hyn
yn gwisgo trwsusau amdanynt mor dynn

rhyw noswaith bur olau yng nghanol mis Mai
yr aeth dwy ferch ifanc fel llanciau di fai
i guro ar ffermdy lle roedd rhyw ddwy ferch
mewn newyn am gariad i roi arno’u serch

curasant y gwydr nes codi o’r ddwy
a buan gofynwyd ‘pwy sy’na o pwy?’
‘weld dau o wych lanciau, rhai hynod o dlws
cewch dod eu hadnabod ‘rol agor y drws’

agorwyd mewn munud heb oedi am ddau
ac aethont i’r gwely yn hynod o glau
cofleidio, cusanu, peth melus yw dyn
ond pedair merch ifanc mewn newyn bob un

fe flinwyd cusanu, roedd natur yn gre
a Siani a deimlodd ni enwaf ym mhle
deallodd nad ceiliog oedd gyda hi’n bod
neu fod o’n un hynod a rhyfedd ac od

roedd Liwsi a’i chymar mewn gwely gerllaw
yn caru yn ddiwyd heb gaffael dim braw
peth mawr yw chwant cymar ar geiliog neu iar
peth mwy yw merch ifanc yn gofyn yn daer

Well, you lads of Wales, What do you say to this?
seeing girls in trousers, isn’t it a surprise?
is it that gentle local lads are so scarce
that some girls are lusty out of their minds?

well isn’t it a shock to see girls like this
wearing trousers so tight

on a moonlit night in mid-May
two young girls went, as innocent lads
to knock on a farmhouse where there were two girls
hungry for some loving to be given to them

they knocked the glass until both arose
and the question was soon asked ‘who’s there?’
‘well, two fine lads, and very pretty ones at that,
you may get to know them if you open the door’

the door was opened in a minute, without waiting for two,
and they all swiftly went to bed.
embracing and kissing. A man’s a sweet thing,
but here were four young girls, each of them hungry.

they had had enough of kissing, nature was strong,
and Jane felt…I won’t name where.
she discovered that it wasn’t a cockerel that she had with her
(or if it was, it was a mighty strange one)

Lucy and her partner was in a bed nearby
busy making love, without fear or shame.
Great is a cockerel or a hen’s urge for a lover,
even greater is that of a persistent young girl.

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