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Canu'n Iach I Arfon / To Bid Farewell to Arfon
Alaw/Melody - Addasiad ar tradd/Variation on trad
Geiriau/Words - Llew Tegid (1851-1928)

Doed holl drigolion moethus mwyn

Sy’n byw ar swyn danteithion

I ganu clod dinasoedd cain

A sain y tannau tynion

Ni ddeuaf byth o’m bwthyn bach

I ganu’n iach i Arfon


Fe ddywed rhai fod gwledydd pell

Yn well na Chymru dirion

A deuant gyda gwawd a gwên

I geisio denu dynion

Arosaf eto ronyn bach

Cyn canu’n iach i Arfon


Mil gwell yw’r awyr iach gen i

A bywyd diofalon

Ym myd y grug a’r eithin mân

A chân yr adar gwylltion

A thrigo gyda’m teulu bach

Na chanu’n iach i Arfon.

Come all ye gentle and sumptuous citizens

That enjoy the sweet things,

To sing the praises of fair cities

And the sound of the tight strings,

I’ll never leave my little cottage

And bid farewell to Arfon


There’s some that say that the far-away lands

Are better than fair Wales

And they come with false smiles

To try to lure men

I shall stay yet a while

Before bidding farewell to Arfon


A thousand times better to me is the fresh air

And a life without worry,

In a world of heather and gorse

And the singing of wild birds

And to dwell with my little family

Than to bid farewell to Arfon.

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